Miller Orthodontic Specialists in Keene, Rindge, NH and Brattleboro, VT

Smiles by Dr. Miller

7 & UP Club

Dr. Miller has developed this fun and free program designed especially for kid’s ages 7 & older who are not ready to start Orthodontic Treatment. Growth and dental development varies significantly with each patient.

The American Association of Orthodontist recommends children come in for a check-up with an orthodontist by the time they are 7. Sometimes early treatment is necessary, however if your child is not quite ready then they will be part of the 7 & Up Club, which will monitor their progress and tooth eruption.

How To Join The Club?

Simply contact our office for a complimentary evaluation with Dr. Miller!

What to Expect When Joining?

After your child’s initial evaluation if it is determined they are not ready to start treatment they will join the 7 & Up kids club and will receive a membership card, a membership sticker and prizes from our prize wheel! They will then come in every 8-12 weeks for another check-up on their progress and tooth eruption. They will receive a 7 & Up report card that tracks their height, counts their baby teeth and grades their brushing!

Here are 7 Reason to Join!

The staff is amazing…couldn’t have a better experience! (Don’t forget the ice cream 🍦... 🤣)read more
Beth B
Beth B
Friendly staff and excellent results!
Camryn Ammon
Camryn Ammon
Braces off!! 100% recommend, absolutely awesome work space.